How well do we know and understand our Catholic faith? Would you be confident enough to have a discussion with those of other faiths about what it means to be Catholic? If you feel that you could use a "refresher" on all things Catholic or just need a major crash course in how to talk about your faith, the OLS Summer Apologetics Series is just for you.
Each Sunday, beginning June 1, we will be touching on a specific topic regarding the basics of our Catholic faith in the context of what the Church actually teaches and believes, and how to articulate and share that with others. Some questions (and misunderstandings) we will be clarifying include the following:
"Apologetics" is derived from the Greek root word apologia. In ancient Greece it referred to a formal defense of a belief, an explanation or argument for one’s philosophy or religion. The word occurs several times in the New Testament, including sections of the Gospels, seeking to persuade unbelievers of the truth claims of the Church, especially the unique nature of the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Catholic apologetics is the defense and explanation of the teachings, beliefs, and practices of the Catholic Church. Its goal is to remove objections, shed light on difficult or misunderstood matters, and ultimately help win minds and souls for Jesus Christ. Apologetics is the activity of helping people answer the question: "Why should I be Catholic?" It does so by engaging the mind to reach the heart. |
No registration is required and there is no cost to attend. Although attending every Sunday will provide you the most comprehensive experience, you are still welcome to join in even if you can't make every session.
The series is open to everyone, but the topics may not be easily understood by young children. Refreshments will be provided. Donations to help off-set the cost of materials are gladly accepted. |
Schedule of Topics
About the Presenter:
The Apologetics Series will be led by Our Lady of Sorrows Music and Liturgy Coordinator, Kainoa Fukumoto. He also leads the OLS E.P.I.C. Young Adult Ministry and is the Central Oahu Vicariate Youth and Young Adult Ministries representative to the diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries Advisory Council. Additionally, he was the catechist for this past year's Confirmation II class and has served in many other capacities in our parish. Kainoa also teaches general music at St. Michael School in Waialua, has his own piano studio in Wahiawa, and also serves as one of the diocesan music consultants. Kainoa has been an invited speaker to various retreats, events, and seminars around the diocese. He is happily married to Yvonne, an OLS pianist and Pastoral Council member, and together, they have a beautiful three-year-old daughter, Maile'ailana.
The Apologetics Series will be led by Our Lady of Sorrows Music and Liturgy Coordinator, Kainoa Fukumoto. He also leads the OLS E.P.I.C. Young Adult Ministry and is the Central Oahu Vicariate Youth and Young Adult Ministries representative to the diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries Advisory Council. Additionally, he was the catechist for this past year's Confirmation II class and has served in many other capacities in our parish. Kainoa also teaches general music at St. Michael School in Waialua, has his own piano studio in Wahiawa, and also serves as one of the diocesan music consultants. Kainoa has been an invited speaker to various retreats, events, and seminars around the diocese. He is happily married to Yvonne, an OLS pianist and Pastoral Council member, and together, they have a beautiful three-year-old daughter, Maile'ailana.